100 Years of Expertise

Yeah you heard that right!



So let’s take a deep dive into their beautiful hair story.


Eugene Perma Professional is an independent French owned luxury hair care line. Established in 1918 EP has many years in the professional salon industry.


1932 the Gallia wave is introduced.


1950 was the launch of their permanent wave “PERMA TIEDA”.


1960’s a decade filled with expansion from their research laboratory in Paris to their factory which still remains in the champagne capital of the world REIMS, FRANCE.

In Paris, the Laboratory for Research and Innovation, which is entirely devoted to the development of hair care products, follows a written quality commitment that ensures the high effectiveness of its products.


In Reims, their factory follows strict manufacturing guidelines aimed at preserving the environment.


1990’s Carmen color and Solaris lighteners were introduced.


2014 Carmen color is reinvented with their patented REFLECT MAGNETIC SYSTEM for a gorgeous natural multi tonal effect.


I love all of this!

Especially the earlier decades.

It reminds when I worked at Bumble and bumble back in the early 2000’s.

Inspired by Michael Gordon’s book Hair Stories, we worked our way through the history of hair.

Every month we would gather in the BbU auditorium where we would learn about each decade and how the culture and life impacted hair.

We watched old movies, performers and historians specializing in each decade would teach us about the way of life at the time.

I’ll never for get the 8am burlesque performance. Now that’s a story for another time…